Creating a video helped to foster a creative and imaginative approach to learning history. By narrating a story from a fictional character's point of view, the topic of the Great Depression became more relatable - I felt like I wanted to help Margaret Bradbury's family overcome their financial hardships. If all students begin to feel this emotional connection with history, they will in turn see the importance of learning a subject that so many are quick to write off as uninportant.

By having my students create this video, not only are they developing personal knowledge and emotions toward the subject matter, they are also learning how to use technology to effectively communicate an idea. Imagine if Mrs. Bradbury's story was told in an essay or a fictional narrative. Her story would not be nearly as interesting and heart-wrenching without photos, sounds, and added bits of information. By creating a video, however, students convey a message effectively by appealing to many different learning styles - visual, kinesthetic, and audio.

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